I used to mount some files via Samba which resided on a windows machine on a CentOS box. We moved the files to a NetApp filer, and I was unable to mount those files using either Samba or CIFS. Most of my problems with Samba were related to the (Windows?) password encryption scheme that has not been included in the Samba suite. Even if I use the mount t cifs, it didn't work. So on the NetApp filer, we switched the volume to NFS only (having the volume as both NFS and CIFS also didn't work, strangely enough), and I was able to mount the volume. Fine. But now the complaint is that the files are case sensitive, and doing searches for a particular file is problematical. So the question: Is there a file system that linux can access that's case insensitive? I guess making a LUN off the NetApp filer and formatting NTFS would work. But I thought I'd ask if there's other alternatives. Also, I think that it would have to be writable. I haven't checked, but isn't NTFS mountable read-only by linux? === Al