[CentOS] Announcement Project based on CentOS 4.4

Thu Jul 12 19:14:21 UTC 2007
Lukasz <seem at gazeta.pl>

Uz.ytkownik Tronn Wærdahl napisa?:
> Personally i dont like YUM, I prefer apt-get, the package you dont wanna
> update is openldap, espesially the server, you could easyly configre 
> apt, to
> ignore those packages

you can define it in /etc/yum.conf; add an exclude line, such as:


yum will "start" little slower, but it works

> There is allso a script included to make your own apt repository

for yum this is createrepo; simply copy packages to any 
directory and run

createrepo /this/dir/

then you have to add new repo in /etc/yum.repos.d/, but it 
should be very similar (except path of course) to others; if 
you don's use pgp to sign your packages, the line


will help, because for default yum doesn't install packages 
which it can't verify

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