[CentOS] Checking badblocks using KS

Wed Jul 18 20:53:51 UTC 2007
Styma, Robert E (Robert) <stymar at alcatel-lucent.com>

> Hi All,
>    Is there a way to check the harddisk health before CentOS 
> installation.?
> One way I used to do was by using --badblocks check in ks.cfg 
> file while
> using RH 7.2.
>     This is not working (atleast not with the same syntax as 
> in RH 7.2) in
> CentOS.
>     Is there an alternate (correct) syntax or is there a new 
> (better) way
> to check harddisk health before CentOS installation?
If you boot in rescue mode, you can run "fsck -c -c /dev/..."
on any partitions.  If the partitions look good, you should
be safe to install.

Bob S