[CentOS] Active Directory

Wed Jul 25 07:41:10 UTC 2007
Andreas Rogge <arogge at gmx.de>

Am Mittwoch, den 25.07.2007, 09:05 +0200 schrieb Adriatik Allamani:
> Thanks a lot for the help.
> Actually I am interested in using CentOS as Server for the AD and not to
> join the CentOS to AD.

I'm really sorry to tell you, but CentOS is unable to serve something
like AD. The only thing that CentOS can do is serve a NT 4.0 style
domain with Samba, but that lacks many of the AD-Features. 
For example you won't get kerberos or a real directory service. There is
actually a method to run group policies with samba, but this requires a
software that must be licensed for every windows pc.

If you're sure that you only need the NT4-features you can migrate,
however I don't think you can use CentOS/samba as a drop-in replacement,
because you'd have to rejoin the domain so the clients realize it isn't
AD anymore.

Andreas Rogge

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