[CentOS] Thank you: Wiki data for adding 3rd party repository, ProtectBase and Priorities

Thu Jul 26 19:14:31 UTC 2007
Johnny Hughes <johnny at centos.org>

drew einhorn wrote:
> Here's how I set up my repository priorities, with some questions,
> and request for comments on whether there are better ways of doing
> things.  I'm running on CentOS 5, some of the repositories do not
> exist, some exist but are empty, etc.
> Depending on whether I am in production, test, or development,
> various subsets of these may be enabled/disabled.
> Priority 1
>     base
>     updates
>     fasttrack
>     These all need to be at the same level so they can replace one another.
>     Saw some indciations that fasttrack might be CentOS4 only.  But there is
>     a Cento5 repo, currently empty
> Priority 2
>     addons
>     csgfs
>     centosplus
>     contrib
>     extras
>     epel
>     addons exists for CentOS5, but is currently empty.  Will anything ever
>     appear here?
>     contrib and csgfs do not exist for CentOS5.  I wonder about csgfs, it
>     sounded interesting but I never took a close look at it.  What happened
>     to this stuff, did it vanish or move to a different repo?

csgfs items are built into EL5 upstream now ... so it is a seperate repo
for C3 and C4 ... and in the C5 main repo.

>     I'm assuming contrib is gone forever in CentOS5.

Unless we need to bring it back for some reason.  we decided that we
require enough QA and that we have a developer who is responsible for
all packages in CentOS ... so, if we have a developer buying off on it,
it can go in Extras or Plus.

>     epel exists, but not ready for prime time?  I'm assuming that
>     when it is ready it will go here. 

EPEL isn't a CentOS repo ... as all the other ones you have listed above
are.  It is your box though, so you can put it where you want.  I would
have it in the other 3rd party repos section though.

> Priority 3
>     atrpms
>     dag
>     dries
>     kbs-CentOS-Extras
>     kbs-CentOS-Misc
>     kde-all
>     kde
>     rpmforge
>     There is a lot of overlap here. 
>     Have not yet taken a close look at each one.
>     Several of these have merged into rpmforge.

Look for an announcement in the not to distant future about a further
merger of MOST of these repos (minus the kde ones) into one
organization.  CentOS will be involved in this organization of RPM repos
... as will (I think) Scientific Linux.

>     Which ones should still be used with CentOS5.
>     kde does not distinguish between CentOS 4 or 5
>     which sounds bogus.
> Priority 4
>     kbs-CentOS-Misc-Testing
>     kde-testing-all
>     kde-testing
>     Hope I never need to dig this deep into the bleeding edge.
> Priority 5
>     kde-unstable-all
>     kde-unstable
>     Not sure which is less stable testing or unstable.

One thing to remember is you can have 99 priorities ... so you can have
one for each repo if there is overlap of packages ... that will keep you
 always getting packageA from the higher priority repo (say dag over
kbs-CentOS-Extras as an example).

You can also skip 5 or 10 between repos instead of one, which makes it
easy to throw something in the middle between 2 packagesif you need to.

Johnny Hughes

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