[CentOS] CentOS 3.9's up2date missing sources???

Sun Jul 29 21:37:32 UTC 2007
Tru Huynh <tru at centos.org>

On Sat, Jul 28, 2007 at 07:16:00PM -0400, Lawrence Houston wrote:
> CentOS3.9 Users:
> After applying all Updates to Upgrade from CentOS 3.8 CentOS 3.9 I find 
> up2date no longer works "correctly" (or shall I say NOT as before)... 
> Missing is the "sources" File!!!  Is this how V 4.5.5-7 is supposed to be 
> or is the "sources" File omission an "error"???

My bad, sorry.

The current up2date version is missing:
- a definition for newly installed up2date 
- a config(noreplace) tag for /etc/sysconfig/rhn/sources

I am pushing now a corrected version on the mirror.

howto fix:
If it's update from 3.8, you should have a /etc/sysconfig/rhn/sources.rpmsave
file just copy it to /etc/sysconfig/rhn/sources to fix up2date.  Or use yum
instead of up2date ;).

If up2date is broken due to the missing sources file, you can still use yum
to update up2date:
# yum update up2date

Last resort, I have attached the default /etc/sysconfig/rhn/sources, just
copy it there.

Once again, sorry for the error, and thanks for reporting it. :)

Tru Huynh (CentOS-3 i386/x86_64 Package Maintenance)
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### This describes the various package repositories (repos) that up2date will
### query for packages. It currently supports apt-rpm, yum, and "dir" repos.

### Format is one repository (repo) entry per line, # starts comments, the
### first word on each line is the type of repo.

### The default RHN (using "default" as the url means use the one in the 
### up2date config file). This is required.
#up2date default

### Note: when a channel label is required for the non up2date repos,
### the label is solely used as an internal identifier and is not
### based on the url or any other info from the repos.

### An apt style repo (the example is arjan's 2.6 kernel repo).
### The format is:
### type  channel-label      service:server	    path        repo name
#apt arjan-2.6-kernel-i386 http://people.redhat.com ~arjanv/2.5/ kernel

### Note: for apt repos, there can be multiple repo names specified (space
### seperated).

### A yum style repo. The format is:
### type  channel-label     url
#yum fedora-9-i386-stable http://download.fedora.us/fedora/redhat/9/i386/yum/stable
yum centos-3-base http://mirror.centos.org/centos/3/os/i386/
yum centos-3-addons http://mirror.centos.org/centos/3/addons/i386/
yum centos-3-updates http://mirror.centos.org/centos/3/updates/i386/
yum centos-3-extras http://mirror.centos.org/centos/3/extras/i386/
#yum centos-3-extras http://mirror.centos.org/centos/3/testing/i386/
#yum centos-3-centos+ http://mirror.centos.org/centos/3/centosplus/i386/

### A local directory full of packages (a "dir" repo). For example:
#dir my-favorite-rpms-i386-9 /var/spool/RPMS/

# Multiple versions of all repos except "up2date" can be used. Dependencies
# can be resolved "cross-repo" if need be.

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