[CentOS] Re: Mixing RPMforge and EPEL (Was: EPEL repo)

Mon Jul 30 22:42:55 UTC 2007
Ray Van Dolson <rvandolson at esri.com>

> No, I want to understand the effect on an end user when only one repo 
> refuses to add a unique tag.  I don't want to fight the war - I want to 
> know which way to duck.

I think the issue now is that other repo's decided to drop their own
repo tags as a result of EPEL's decision.  So that could potentially
lead to some conflict.

I think a lot of this stems from the fact that EPEL considered
themselves a bit like Fedora Extras aka "upstream" in a sense.  Which
actually seemed somewhat to make sense to me, but...

> >The argument was that once a repo drops the
> >repotag and foo-1.2.3-4 conflicts with foo-2.0.0-1.blahrepo the
> >typical user assumes the former to belong to the distro proper and the
> >latter to be the one causing the conflict.
> I don't get it. What does the potential to drop a tag have to do with a 
> tag not existing in the first place?

I think in general it's just not a good idea to mix repo's at all --
and if you do to only selectively enable the packages you want.
