[CentOS] CentOS Based Linux Firewall Document

Tue Jun 5 21:55:56 UTC 2007
pctech at mybellybutton.com <pctech at mybellybutton.com>

I know that some of you from the list have asked me in the past for a copy of my CentOS based Linux Firewall document.  There are also those that have no clue what I am talking about.  This is for the former group...

There is a new version of my document out.  It's changed quite a bit since the last person asked me for it.  Some of the changes are:

*  Updated the scripts in the Useful Shell Scripts section.
*  Changed the document format to reflect more of a professional document.
*  Added High Availability.
*  Many other small items.

There is a complete changelog "built in" in the document, so you can compare it to the version that you already have to see what's changed.

It's still a PDF, so you don't have to worry about having Word or OpenOffice to view it.

Just as before, e-mail me at fwdoc at mybellybutton.com to request a copy of the latest version.
