[CentOS] Intro

Fri Jun 29 15:53:14 UTC 2007
Niki Kovacs <contact at kikinovak.net>

Ray Leventhal a écrit :
> I'm not new to Linux...have been using various RH/Fedora products,
> though I cut my teeth heavily back in the early 90s with FreeBSD and
> more recently Slackware.  

Welcome to the club, Ray! I'm also an ex-Slacker, started Linux when 7.1 
came out, used it for a while, hopped distros for a while, came back to 
Slack for a few years... then a few months ago decided to move to 
CentOS, and I think I've made a good choice. I'm a modest sysadmin of a 
  network of eleven public libraries, plus a few town halls and public 
cyber-cafés. I started to install these (servers and clients) with 
Debian last summer, but recently found out that CentOS 5 is the better 
choice. The doc on the centos site (RHEL guide + wiki) is excellent.


Niki Kovacs