[CentOS] tar question

Thu Jun 7 14:05:37 UTC 2007
Peter Kjellstrom <cap at nsc.liu.se>

On Thursday 07 June 2007, Tom Brown wrote:
> > I believe it goes something like:
> >
> > cd /some/input/dir
> > tar cvf - . | (cd /to/here; tar xvf -)
> that is spot on thanks! does it buffer anything in memory do you know or
> any other temp space? Just wonder as there are a few gigs of data.

add a dd command to the pipe if you want buffers.

That said, my personal opinion is that non-trivial data move operations should 
not be done with tools like tar, tools that does not allow restart/resume. 
You mentioned rsync, why not use it.


> thanks
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