[CentOS] CentOS Based Linux Firewall Document

Thu Jun 7 19:06:21 UTC 2007
pctech at mybellybutton.com <pctech at mybellybutton.com>

--- Jordi Espasa Clofent
<sistemes.llistes at intergrid.cat> wrote:

> > I want to mention/remind that Karanbir is a very
> active part of
> > CentOS and has given a lot of time and hard work
> to me and the
> > whole community.
> Yes. When I've said my words against pctech's point
> of view I've done it 
> with people like Karanbir, Johnny, Jim, Lance,
> Ralph, Daniel and so on 
> in mind.
> ¿How many hours do they spend in front of their
> machines, trying to 
> improve this beautiful project?
> At least, their altruistic and generous attitude
> deserves all our respect.
> -- 
> Thanks,
> Jordi Espasa Clofent
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I took a little peak at the document in mention, and
there is one thing that bothers me about it. It is the
mentioning of this little sentence "this document
contains information compiled from many sources." Now
i am not no English major or proclaim to be, but when
you take other people work and use it in your work are
you not suppose to cite that? 

How do we know he did copy and paste other peoples
work and then call it his own? there is not one
citation in his work. If this has happen and that was
my work, damn i know i would of be mighty pissed about

Can not say oh since he took it from so many places he
does not know all the sites, books...etc that is not
an excuse either.

i know my writing is bad, but you get the idea what i
am trying to say!!! and the reason i am saying
anything is when a person acts like a jag i can be a
bigger jag!!!!!!!


Actually I *DID* cite my sources in the document.  Look at the section entitled "Application Documentation and HowTo Links".  Nice try at slandering me though.

Although I *HAVE seem to have forgotten to input the links for the Linux HA web site and HowTos.  That will be corrected in the next revision.

"On the side of the software box, in the 'System Requirements' section, it said 
'Requires Windows or better'. So I installed Linux."
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