[CentOS] tar question

Thu Jun 7 21:06:46 UTC 2007
Jay Leafey <jay.leafey at mindless.com>

Matt Hyclak wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 07, 2007 at 02:11:23PM +0100, Tom Brown enlightened us:
>> Using tar i normally create an archive etc and then unpack that archive, 
>> job done.
>> But i am copying from one filesystem to another on the same host, they 
>> are 2 seperate nfs filesystems, and i wonder is it possible to use tar 
>> to do this as opposed to say rsync etc.
>> tar -cvf /some/input/dir to/here etc ?
> I believe it goes something like:
> cd /some/input/dir 
> tar cvf - . | (cd /to/here; tar xvf -)
> Matt

Or you could think "outside the tar box" and use cpio:

cd /some/input/dir
find . | cpio -pmvd /some/destination/dir

"-p" invokes the "passthru" mode, which is great for doing 
filesystem-to-filesystem copies.  cpio seems to have been installed on 
just about every CentOS, Fedora, and RH system I've used in the last 
several years.  See the manpage for more info!
Jay Leafey - Memphis, TN
jay.leafey at mindless.com
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