[CentOS] Kernel Panic - possibly NFS related?

Sat Jun 9 18:46:37 UTC 2007
Matty <matty91 at gmail.com>

On 6/7/07, Jesse Cantara <jesse_cantara at esupport.com> wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> This is my first post here, and unfortunately it's to ask for help in
> figuring out a kernel panic I am running into.
> The machine in question has run fine without problem for quite some
> time, running as a database/web server. It has an identical (hardware)
> twin that performs essentially the same functions, but which has not had
> any kernel panics.
> The only recent change I've made of note before the kernel panics
> started, is to set up an NFS share on both of those machines, each of
> which is mounted by three other machines. It seems like whenever there
> is any more than a negligible amount of activity over those NFS shares,
> that one machine gets a kernel panic. There are a relatively large
> number and size of files in each of the shares (70+ gigabytes, 10,000+
> files), organized into directories so there aren't more than 100 or so
> files in any given directory. I'm not doing anything "weird" over the
> NFS either, just reading and writing zip files.
> I've never run into a kernel panic before (lucky?) and I can't find much
> information about analyzing the wreckage. I don't believe any log files
> are saved of the event. Otherwise, I would provide more information.

I would recommend enabling diskdump or netdump to get a core file.
Once you have that, you should be able to get a backtrace from your
favorite kernel debugger. That should give you a better idea of what
is causing your machine to panic.

- Ryan
UNIX Administrator