[CentOS] Firefox and Thunderbird 2.0, Centos 5, and rpms

Fri Jun 15 06:37:52 UTC 2007
Radu-Cristian FOTESCU <beranger5ca at yahoo.ca>

> Or is Redhat correct that there is nothing
> improved here and wait for 3.0?

Sorry to jump in, but where is that you saw Red Hat saying "there is
nothing _improved_ in FF2"?! I suppose RHEL5 doesn't have FF2 because
"it's too new", but here is what I terribly miss while using FF1.5:
-- saving the whole session, even when FF crashes (yes, FF _may_
crash); it saves even the text you were writing in a textarea!
-- spell-checking (extremely useful when you're not a native speaker).

But indeed is kinda shame that there isn't any 3rd party repo
providing FF2 for EL5. (I don't expect EPEL to have it. because FC6
was on FF1.5 too).

But for Thunderbird 2.0, I agree: I can't see anything _significantly_


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