[CentOS] dovecot FC2 (0.99.14) to CentOS4 (0.99.11-8.EL4)

Mon Jun 18 09:33:55 UTC 2007
David Hrbáč <hrbac.conf at seznam.cz>

David Hrbáč napsal(a):
> Hi,
> I have to move IMAP mail store from FC Dag's dovecot 0.99.14 to new
> Centos4 machine. Dovecot complains about corrupted indexes, Missing
> location field,  Data position of record xxx points outside file etc.
> There's no 0.99.14 version for EL4 in rpmforge. Distribusion version is
>  three steps down - 0.99.11. Any hints?
> Thanks a lot.
> David
> PS: I have rsynced all maildir Friday and today I had to move to the old
> machine :o(

I answer to myself .. :o)
rm .*/.imap.index* -rf
seems to help.