[CentOS] Re: Madwifi just seems to work in Centos 5

Mon Jun 18 16:42:42 UTC 2007
Axel Thimm <Axel.Thimm at ATrpms.net>

On Mon, Jun 18, 2007 at 12:36:53PM -0400, Robert Moskowitz wrote:
> >>>>>>>>I have not installed the madwifi specific kernel stuff (kdml and
> >>>>>>>>hal-kdml) from atrpms.  I have installed with wpa rpms.
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>And my Atheros card is working with almost no work on my part (other
> >>>>>>>>than runing wpa_supplicant as a deamon).

> >>>>madwifi-
> >>>>ath_pci                86180  0 
> >>>>ath_rate_sample        16896  1 ath_pci
> >>>>wlan                  172764  4 wlan_scan_sta,ath_pci,ath_rate_sample
> >>>>ath_hal               195280  3 ath_pci,ath_rate_sample

> >>>So you are obviously using madwifi after all to drive the card. :)
> >>>      
> >>But where did it come from?????

> How do tell where these things came from and what method they use???

The origin can be read of the repo tag, that is the "rf" above. "rf"
stands for rpmforge. The methods, well, that you must know. But I'm
discussing with Dag about how to use a common scheme that will do the
best of both worlds anyway, so perhaps in a couple of months this
question will not be relevant anymore :)

> One of my 'issues' or feature requests is to know which repo an rpm came 
> from provided it was installed via yum or yumex.

The repotag was a good method. But it was killed by the epel
project. So you will find less and less repos using it.

> Obviously if i downloaded the rpm and 'manually installed' directly with 
> rpm, it is my job to track where I got the rpm from....

You will get a much more verbose info with rpm -qi foo.
Axel.Thimm at ATrpms.net
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