[CentOS] Re: web based vacation frontend

Tue Jun 19 15:44:28 UTC 2007
Scott Silva <ssilva at sgvwater.com>

Erick Perez spake the following on 6/19/2007 8:04 AM:
> Hi,
> One customer has Centos 5 installed. He wants to have a web based
> frontend to the vacation program because he is in charge to enable the
> vacation msg for all the users in leave.
> I tried webmin but the webmin vacation module points to a nonexistant
> link. And the usermin module is very old and requires the user to do
> it by themselves.
> Suggestions?
You can use webmin alongside usermin. You go to the users page in webmin,
click on the user you want to work with, and then you can log into usermin as
that user and set things up "for them".


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