[CentOS] Centos 5 OpenOffice 2.0.4-

Thu Jun 28 20:55:13 UTC 2007
Bernhard Gschaider <bgschaid_lists at ice-sf.at>

>>>>> On Thu, 28 Jun 2007 11:35:15 -0700
>>>>> "BM" == Ben Mohilef <benm at dsl-only.net> wrote:

    BM>  I noticed that there are no openoffice.org-xxx-2.0.4-
    BM> rpms in Centos 5 update.  So I tried to build openoffice
    BM> 2.0.4- (sans language packs) on a x86_64 from RH 5
    BM> source rpm. The build bombed after an hour elapsed and it used
    BM> up about 10 GB of space with an error about missing java.

    BM> So I just blew it off, erased the files written by the build
    BM> and decided to wait until the rpm showed up in the updates. I
    BM> don't want to repeat that exercise if 2.0.4- is
    BM> destined to show up in the updates.

    BM> If not, does anyone have any idea what java it needs (or what
    BM> changes have be made to the spec file) to successfully build
    BM> the rpm.

    BM> Thanks for any information on this problem.

This may not be the solution you are looking for: I simply deleted the
Centos-x86_64-OpenOffice-RPMs from my sytems and installed the
precompiled i386-RPMs downloaded form openoffice.org.
Works without problems (and I lets face it: 32 bit is sufficient for
an office unless you happen to have spreadsheets that are >4Gig)