[CentOS] Where do I get Centos 5 Kernel sources for compiling drivers?

Fri Jun 29 09:08:49 UTC 2007
Peter Kjellstrom <cap at nsc.liu.se>

On Friday 29 June 2007, Richard Chapman wrote:
>  Thanks Peter and Akemi.
>  All working. Amazing really. I now have my Centos 5 on the Internet.
>  I wonder whether it is worth re-installing Cebtos 5 and trying to get my
> new driver (.ko file presumably) to load off a USB drive at install time.
> Do you think this would be straight forward. Is there anything to gain?

That wouldn't be entierly trivial, and you wouldn't gain anything. Now just 
remember the steps you took so you can repeat them when the next security 
update kernel comes around.


>  Richard.
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