[CentOS] Re: cat cron jobs into crontab

Matt Hyclak

hyclak at math.ohiou.edu
Tue Mar 13 17:37:49 UTC 2007

On Tue, Mar 13, 2007 at 10:35:43AM -0800, Karl R. Balsmeier enlightened us:
> thanks, I'm running a script after kickstart install, and am looking to 
> "cat" a known value into an empty cron file.  Managing it or otherwise 
> having to manually edit it is not the issue i'm seeking info on.
> I'm trying to avoid having to manually add all of my known cron jobs 
> with crontab -e
> To do this, I was trying out some stuff like:
> *cat >> $out_file << EOF
> first line of data
> second line of data
> more data
> the end of the data
> EOF*
> but in a way that was safe for cron, with no modifications to the 
> default manner in which cron runs, e.g. crontab -l, crontab -e later 
> would not break seeking some new file.

Then my first suggestion of making $out_file = /etc/cron.d/somenewfilename
would work just fine.


Matt Hyclak
Department of Mathematics 
Department of Social Work
Ohio University
(740) 593-1263

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