[CentOS] cat cron jobs crontab: SOLVED

Karl R. Balsmeier

karl at klxsystems.net
Tue Mar 13 19:25:35 UTC 2007

so to script the thing it's actually done like this, doh:

#show crontab, on a new system should be empty:
crontab -l

#put in whatever cron checks you need, one by one...
echo "*/3 * * * *  /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/check_megaraid_passive.sh > 
/dev/null 2>&1" >> /var/spool/cron/root

# restart crond afterward
service crond restart

# show you results, new stuff should be there.
crontab -l

dunno why I was trying to do this elaborate EOF thing.


Karl R. Balsmeier wrote:

> thanks, I'm running a script after kickstart install, and am looking 
> to "cat" a known value into an empty cron file.  Managing it or 
> otherwise having to manually edit it is not the issue i'm seeking info 
> on.
> I'm trying to avoid having to manually add all of my known cron jobs 
> with crontab -e
> To do this, I was trying out some stuff like:
> *cat >> $out_file << EOF
> first line of data
> second line of data
> more data
> the end of the data
> EOF*
> but in a way that was safe for cron, with no modifications to the 
> default manner in which cron runs, e.g. crontab -l, crontab -e later 
> would not break seeking some new file.
> -karlski
> Matt Hyclak wrote:
>> On Tue, Mar 13, 2007 at 11:32:55AM -0500, Styma, Robert E (Robert) 
>> enlightened us:
>>> The most common way I have seen ov updating crontab is the
>>> crontab command.
>>> 1.  login or su to the appropriate user
>>> 2.  crontab -l  > /tmp/crontab.txt
>>> 3.  edit /tmp/crontab.txt to your liking
>>> 4.  crontab /tmp/crontab.txt
>>> This gets the right files in the right places an alerts cron
>>> of the change.
>> Or you could just type crontab -e and not copy tmp files around.
>> This method is fine when you're not trying to automate something, so 
>> is good
>> information, but less useful to the OP.
>> Matt
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