Hi, In the advent of RHEL5 and CentOS 5, I've been rebuilding the RPMforge packages for EL5. You can find these at the usual location[*]. A few points though: + Not all RPMforge packages are available at this time + If you find a package that you need and isn't there, please do look at the buildlogs and send me instructions on how to fix this specific build. (Saves us time having to go through it ourselves) + Upgrading from RHEL4 to RHEL5 using Anaconda does work. Even when people do not recommend it for various reasons. You should be able to update your packages directly to EL5. If you find that some EL4 package is not replace by its EL5 counterpart, let me know. + If you see FC6 tagged packages, don't panic ! These are official RHEL5 packages. RPMforge does not provide fc6-tagged packages for RHEL5. ANd we do not recommend installing these (even if they seem to work). Enjoy RHEL5 ! PS To me it looks like it could finally replace the current desktop OS of relatives. (low-risk updates, security fixes for 7 years, no changing parts) [*] http://dag.wieers.com/rpm/ http://apt.sw.be/redhat/el5/en/ http://apt.sw.be/redhat/el5/en/i386/dag/repodata/ Kind regards, -- dag wieers, dag at wieers.com, http://dag.wieers.com/ -- [all I want is a warm bed and a kind word and unlimited power]