[CentOS] sendmail and rbl blocking - generating statistics

Thu Mar 15 05:13:08 UTC 2007
Steven Vishoot <sir_funzone at yahoo.com>

--- John Summerfield <debian at herakles.homelinux.org>

> Will McDonald wrote:
> > On 14/03/07, John Summerfield
> <debian at herakles.homelinux.org> wrote:
> >> Will McDonald wrote:
> >> It might be quicker, but that doesn't make it
> more efficient;-)
> > 
> > And that's why I mentioned it'd be wise to test :)
> I know things are
> > never cut 'n dried and it depends on log makeup,
> datasets and whatnot.
> > There's always dozens of ways to do things and no
> one way is perfect.
> Or even best for everyone.
> > 
> >> I often "evolve" my commandlines (I commonly use
> one that's 500+
> >> characters long) and if I don't start with a cat
> I often wish I did:-/
> > 
> > I can't think of a single instance of needing to
> 'cat | somethingelse'
> > unless 'somethingelse' doesn't accept STDIN unless
> explicitly told
> > to. I could obviously be missing some corner case
> or just be ill
> > educated? :)
> cat /var/log/messages | grep
> is more easily changed to include another file
> cat /var/log/messages{.0,} | grep
> than
> grep cat /var/log/messages
> to
> grep -h cat /var/log/messages{.0,} | grep -h
> Note, I'm often typing through a modem and have to
> contend with 
> unpredictable response times.
> Even worse is changing to include compressed files:
> (gunzip -dc /var/log/messages.{4,3,2,1}.gz;cat
> /var/log/messages{.0,})\
> 	| grep
does zcat for looking at compressed files work on
linux? i know it use to work on HP-UX a while back.
instead of uncompressing the file and then reading it.
I have not used it for a while so dont hold me to it.
> I need to do this kind of thing fairly often.
> -- 
> Cheers
> John
> -- spambait
> 1aaaaaaa at coco.merseine.nu 
> Z1aaaaaaa at coco.merseine.nu
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