[CentOS] Re: centos 4.4 dns problem -

Wed Mar 21 14:55:59 UTC 2007
Bob Goodwin <bobgoodwin at wildblue.net>

Tony Mountifield wrote:
> In article <460139E4.4050505 at gmail.com>,
> Les Mikesell <lesmikesell at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Bob Goodwin wrote:
>>>>> but there may be a problem here:
>>>>> service named status
>>>>> rndc: connect failed: connection refused
>> By the way, a 'yum update' might fix the rndc problem. I thought there 
>> was some issue with the key generation that only affects communication 
>> between named and its control program.  Normal operation should work anyway.
> "connection refused" most likely means named is not running, and that it
> hasn't actually got as far as trying to use the key.
> Cheers
> Tony
Yes that was the problem, I can start named and service named status
shows it running, that's  ok but when I make the entry in
/etc/resolv.conf I get -

dig centos.org
dig: couldn't get address for '': not found

This is stuff that works for me in FC6 so apparently there are
other things to deal with in Centos?
