[CentOS] Complex sendmail alias handling.

Fri Mar 23 22:11:03 UTC 2007
Hugh E Cruickshank <hugh at forsoft.com>

From: John R Pierce Sent: March 23, 2007 13:51
> alias them to a dedicated account, in said dedicated account use a 
> procmail recipe that checks some kind of active duty roster and forward 
> copies of the message to whomever is signed in on active duty.
> combine 
> this with a punch-in/punch-out type application, perhaps using a 
> webpage, where each support person punchs in when on active duty.    if 
> noone is listed as 'active', default to forwarding to the 'normal' 
> folks 
> or whatever.

That sound interesting as well. I forgot all about procmail.

> seems like what you REALLY should be doing is having these emails going 
> into a ticket tracking system, such as Remedy, which in turn sends out 
> notifications to the assigned support person etc etc.

That is definitely the direction we are headed in but I was trying to
find something to tide us over until I could carve out the time to
evaluate and implement a ticketing/tracking system.

Thanks again for your comments.

Regards, Hugh

Hugh E Cruickshank, Forward Software, www.forward-software.com