[CentOS] Complex sendmail alias handling

Wed Mar 28 20:09:38 UTC 2007
Hugh E Cruickshank <hugh at forsoft.com>

From: Les Mikesell Sent: March 28, 2007 12:50
> Hugh E Cruickshank wrote:
> > 
> > I agree that this approach is fairly straight forward and I have not
> > tried it. However our current approach (concatenating files to create
> > a new alias file) is about the same in complexity. The difficulty
> > arises from determining the contents of those files.
> Just expose them to the person who knows what the contents should be
> for 
> editing.  Anyone managing a shift of people should be able to edit a 
> text file.

You would think so but I have had a hard enough time trying to convince
them to use the Outlook rules and folders (without much success) which
would make their life easier. I really do not think I can count on them
to maintain the alias file to make my job easier. I would just end up
with a lot of complaints about it not working and then end up having 
to maintain it myself anyway. I might as well save the time and 
frustration and do it myself. Sometimes it is just not worth it to try
and delegate some tasks.

I will now stop my gratuitous complaining and get back to work.

Regards, Hugh

Hugh E Cruickshank, Forward Software, www.forward-software.com