[CentOS] Samba

Thu Mar 29 14:46:12 UTC 2007
Dave K <davek08054 at gmail.com>

On 3/29/07, Charles Yao <admin at greenleecp.com> wrote:
> Is there a more user friendly way of using SAMBA? I'm not a technnical
> person and I've tried webmin to no avail. Any suggestions would help.

There is the Samba "swat" tool.


>From memory, you need to install "samba-swat", then you need to enable
and start the swat server with chkconfig and service (or just start it
with service when you need it).  I think you need xinetd too.  Then
from a browser running on the same machine, browse  I believe when it asks you to login you can use

*BUT* there are lots of security risks/concerns using this tool, which
is why it isn't installed by default.

Dave K
Unix Systems & Network Administrator
Mount Laurel NJ