[CentOS] Virtualisation

Thu Mar 1 20:25:59 UTC 2007
Vasiliy Boulytchev <vasiliy at linuxspecial.com>

Another solution one must pay attention to is KVM.

Vasiliy Boulytchev
vasiliy at linuxspecial.com

Jay Lee wrote:
> David Mackintosh wrote:
>> On Thu, Mar 01, 2007 at 12:11:26PM -0500, Stephen Harris wrote:
>>> I'm wondering what people recommend for virtual servers these days?
>>> CentOS 4 with a vserver kernel?  Wait for CentOS 5 and use Xen?  VMware?
>>> (Vmware is the heavy solution, but it does mean I could host a windows
>>> session if I wanted to).  Or Solaris 10 and zones?
>> Personally I'm using VMWare-workstation, but it isn't an ideal solution:
>> - it costs
>> - it is hard to make VMs start at system boot
>> - it is a heavyweight solution
> ESX is a "lighter-weight" solution (in that it runs on the bare-metal 
> rather than requiring a host OS that sucks up resources.  It of course 
> is the most expensive solution but IMHO, it's worth every penny.  ESX 
> is the only virtualization option I would care to put production 
> workloads on.
>> The reason I am using -Workstatin as opposed to the free -Server
>> offering is because -Server does not provide some virtual hardware
>> that is useful in a workstation environment.  
>> I find it odd what drives your requirements in the end.  In my
>> particular case, I am connecting to a Windows VM through a Sun Ray
>> session, and found my Windows VMs were less usefull without the sound
>> devices because Windows Movie Maker would not start on a system which
>> lacked a sound card.  (And I wanted Windows Movie Maker to convert
>> video streams from the high-bitrate that comes from the camera down
>> to something a little more portable, not to actually view anything.)
> VMWare Server can do sound, it's just that the default virtual machine 
> doesn't include a sound card.  Just go to the settings for the VM, add 
> new hardware and add a sound card.  Still Workstation does a number of 
> handy things that Server doesn't, multiple snapshots for instance...
> Jay
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