[CentOS] rsh with passwords

Sat Mar 10 00:51:28 UTC 2007
John R Pierce <pierce at hogranch.com>

Florin Andrei wrote:
> I am doing rsync over a private network. Encryption is not required.
> Currently rsync over ssh works, but requires too many CPU cycles 
> (especially when doing a lot of transfers) on a CPU-bound system. I 
> need to use rsh instead.
> The problem is, I can either set rsh to allow transfers without a 
> password, or it won't let me transfer files at all.
> I need rsh to ask for a password. The network may be private (I don't 
> worry about sniffers) but still I'm not OK with giving the rsync 
> client a blank check and allow it to connect without a password.
> I tried to make various modifications to /etc/pam.d/rsh but I can't 
> convince rshd to require a password.
> I searched the Web for a solution, but everyone seems to be in the 
> opposite situation (looking to allow rsh to connect without a 
> password, which is trivial).

I've used rsync with the ssh 'blowfish' option on slow processors (older 
sparcs, slower pentiums) with good success.

or, run rsync as a daemon at one end, and specify the rsync protocol, 
that uses no encryption at all.