[CentOS] Re: LDAP Server configs

Tue Mar 13 00:03:13 UTC 2007
John Summerfield <debian at herakles.homelinux.org>

Craig White wrote:

>>The means that you need to learn to use google to find how to do things. 
>>Google is faster than any mailing list, and will usually turn up better 
> ----
> I have a bit of sympathy for OpenLDAP as the openldap.org admin manual
> and their 'faq-o-matic' aren't going to answer either of his questions,
> the openldap-software mail list would simply tell him that he needs to
> upgrade to 2.3.34 and his questions are off-topic.
> As someone who has googled for some things openldap, it is not the
> easiest to get answers.

That might be, it's not the answer to everything, but at least you made 
the effort.



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