On Wed, March 14, 2007 01:38, Erick Perez wrote: > I have enabled the feature in sendmail.mc to check with spamhaus for > spammers. However since this block is being made at MTA level, I would > like to know is something can be done to obtain statistics of blocked > attemps. I do this by parsing the logs: Mar 14 09:31:36 io sendmail[19416]: ruleset=check_relay, arg1=[], arg2=, relay=[], reject=554 5.7.1 Rejected found in bl.spamcop.net Try doing a simple 'cat /var/log/maillog | grep -c check_relay' For my server: cat /var/log/maillog | grep checK_relay | grep -c spamhaus 836 cat /var/log/maillog | grep checK_relay | grep -c spamcop 120 cat /var/log/maillog | grep checK_relay | grep -c njabl 8 You could write a simple script to give you more details, like highest hit days. I'm *sure* there are log analyzers out there that do this. I've also seen a few people who have written script and stuffed the numbers in to RRDTool to visualize the RBLs. -Ryan