On 14/03/07, John Summerfield <debian at herakles.homelinux.org> wrote: > Will McDonald wrote: > It might be quicker, but that doesn't make it more efficient;-) And that's why I mentioned it'd be wise to test :) I know things are never cut 'n dried and it depends on log makeup, datasets and whatnot. There's always dozens of ways to do things and no one way is perfect. > I often "evolve" my commandlines (I commonly use one that's 500+ > characters long) and if I don't start with a cat I often wish I did:-/ I can't think of a single instance of needing to 'cat | somethingelse' unless 'somethingelse' doesn't accept STDIN unless explicitly told to. I could obviously be missing some corner case or just be ill educated? :) Will.