[CentOS] CentOS 5 Beta - Yum Updates?

Wed Mar 21 14:33:37 UTC 2007
Ralph Angenendt <ra+centos at br-online.de>

Styma, Robert E (Robert) wrote:
> Unlike FC7T2, CentOS 5 Beta does not seem to pick
> up Yum updates.  Is this by design or do I
> need to add repos to my /etc/yum.repos.d?

The beta does not receive any updates. The final CentOS 5 will receive
updates without fiddling with the configuration.

Had you read the Release Notes, you might have found the following
paragraph in there:

- Security and Bugfix's 
  This is a beta frozen release. Which implies there are known security
  issues with packages in this release, and there will be no updates
  provided in order to resolve those issues.  This release is *NOT*
  meant to be used in production and there are no upgrade paths
  guaranteed from this release to the final product, although efforts
  will be made to try and facilitate that. As a user, you should
  consider this beta release as unsuitable for deployment but usable in
  a test environment to look at new technologies and changes in the
  distribution since CentOS-4. We envision the Final release to be
  significantly different to this beta, however none of the
  functionality present here should go away.


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