[CentOS] Re: 4.4 i386 Server CD actually 64-bit?

Thu Mar 22 17:38:42 UTC 2007
Scott Silva <ssilva at sgvwater.com>

Ray Van Dolson spake the following on 3/22/2007 9:37 AM:
> Just downloaded the CentOS 4.4 i386 Server CD.  The md5sum on the file
> matches:
>   My file:         8ccb89265b16ca551bd04a15b3cf59a1 (CentOS-4.4.ServerCD-i386.iso)
>   md5sum.servercd: 8ccb89265b16ca551bd04a15b3cf59a1 (CentOS-4.4.ServerCD-i386.iso)
> However, when I boot up with the CD on a Compaq Armada E500 laptop (Pentium
> III), the following message pops up:
>   "Your CPU does not support long mode. Use a 32bit distribution"
> If I use my regular CD 1 of the full i386 CentOS 4 install, I don't get this
> and am able to get into the installer.
> So is something wrong with the CentOS-4.4.ServerCD-i386.iso file on the
> mirrors?
> Thanks,
> Ray
That is the same md5 I have on my copy of the server CD that I downloaded on
Dec. 5th. I used it to install several PIII servers I have laying around and
it worked fine. Did you verify that the CD actually contains the ISO file that
you checked the md5 against.


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