[CentOS] Re: 4.4 i386 Server CD actually 64-bit?

Thu Mar 22 21:20:19 UTC 2007
Scott Silva <ssilva at sgvwater.com>

Jim Perrin spake the following on 3/22/2007 1:11 PM:
>> On Thu, Mar 22, 2007 at 11:22:45AM -0700, Ray Van Dolson wrote:
>> > Yep, brain fart on my part.  Let's just pretend this thread never
>> happened.
>> What ? And miss the oportunity to make fun of you for the next 3 years ?
>> No way :)
> You're a little off.. the lifespan of centos, and associated humor is
> 7 years. Even if we only mock him for the life of centos4, he's still
> got 5 more years. :-P
Having made similarly obvious mistakes myself, I just let it be.
To paraphrase; "He who is without stupid mistakes may cast the first stone!"
So maybe I should just wait until a few more stones are thrown... ;-P


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