On 24/03/07, Akemi Yagi <amyagi at gmail.com> wrote: > I have been running a local repository on a CentOS4 server. It serves > CentOS4 clients (and FC5, FC6, and SuSE10.x if I bother to mention). My > current options for exports is (ro,wdelay,insecure,root_squash). The ro > and insecure options were added manually and others are default. I > understand 'sync' is the default although it is not shown by exportfs -v. > I also found this description in the NFS FAQ: > > "For the Linux implementation of NFS Version 3, using the "async" export > option to allow faster writes is no longer necessary. NFS Version 3 > explicitly allows a server to reply before writing data to disk, under > controlled circumstances. It allows clients and servers to communicate > about the disposition of written data so that in the event of a server > reboot, a Version 3 client can detect the reboot and resend the data. > > In summary, be sure all exports on your Linux NFS servers use the "sync" > option by setting it explicitly or by upgrading your nfs-utils package to > version 1.0.1 or later. If you need fast writes, be sure your clients > mount using NFS Version 3. You may also improve write performance by > adding the "wdelay" option to your exports." > > In other words, the default settings (sync and wdelay) seem to be the best > choice. Is this generally true? Are there any cases in which use of, > for example, async is more desirable? As you are exporting the file system read-only, then options that effect the write performance aren't relevant ... James Pearson