On 3/29/07, Indunil Jayasooriya <indunil75 at gmail.com> wrote: > > Hi all, > > I would like to know has RedHat EL 5 been already released or is it still > under beta version? > > When will CENT OS 5 be available to the world? > > > -- > Thank you > Indunil Jayasooriya > Not to sound like a troll... but a quick check of redhat.com would have told you RHEL5 was already released. As for CentOS 5... Anytime I wonder such questions I look at the list archives. You'll find: http://lists.centos.org/pipermail/centos-devel/2007-March/003372.html It basically states that at "1700hrs UTC Mar 28th 2007" CentOS 5 went to "Final Freeze". While this does not tell us when it will actually be released... it does tell you that things are getting fairly close. Much like when you asked your parents "Are we there yet?"... the answer is "soon". Dave