[CentOS] Really small Linux and NAS

Fri Mar 30 15:13:15 UTC 2007
John Summerfield <debian at herakles.homelinux.org>

Robert Moskowitz wrote:
> I have a really nice, old Libretto 110.  Only 64Mb memory.
> I want to put Linux on it and have a network monitoring system and a 
> traveling NAS.
> But all of the NASs have seemed to have grown beyond their original 64Mb 
> size (FreeNAS now needs 128Mb).
> Only thing I have found is:  
> http://www.linux-watch.com/news/NS8289526009.html
> Talking about Unbutu 6.0 and the 'Server' install that can run in 64Mb 
> and provide NAS.
> Any pointers?

Linux Magazine (www.linux-magazine.com) for March 2007 includes a DVD 
BackTrack 2
DSL 3.1
grml 0.9
GParted 0.3.2
Puppy Linux 2.12 (nice dogs according to William)
SabayonLinux 3.2
ZenWalk 4.0
IPcop 1.4.11
Slax 5.1.8
VectorLinux 5.8

Tri distrowatch for more on each.



-- spambait
1aaaaaaa at coco.merseine.nu  Z1aaaaaaa at coco.merseine.nu

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