[CentOS] Re: New lists

Scott Silva

ssilva at sgvwater.com
Wed May 2 16:48:24 UTC 2007

Ralph Angenendt spake the following on 5/2/2007 2:36 AM:
> John Summerfield wrote:
>> Ralph Angenendt wrote:
>>> It cannot be set by "number of mails before a digest is sent out", but
>>> only as "size in kB a digest should grow to before it is sent out". 
>>> This size is set fairly huge, so it never seems to be reached - 30 MB.
>> Strewth! The default Postfix mailbox size is 10 Mbytes.
> 50M.
>> Calculate how long it takes a 30 Mbyte message to go through a modem. 
>> Imagine if the poor sod waiting for it is downloading something else at 
>> the time.
> That number is only for splitting off digests if that number is reached
> before the *daily* archive gets out. As I already said: This number can
> be changed as it really seems to be set too high. 
> But I want to hear from people if they would rather get *one* digest per
> day or up to three or four digests per day.
> Ralph
I read through Gmane, because I never found a mail reader that worked with the
mime digests either.
I just let the newsreader connect and get the headers, and I only have to
download the messages I really want to read.


MailScanner is like deodorant...
You hope everybody uses it, and
you notice quickly if they don't!!!!

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