[CentOS] Saving Gnome Sessions in CentOS 5.0 x86

Tue May 1 23:59:56 UTC 2007
Mike McCarty <Mike.McCarty at sbcglobal.net>

Kanwar Ranbir Sandhu wrote:
> On Tue, 2007-05-01 at 12:31 -0500, Mike McCarty wrote:
>>I use FC2 on a desktop. I tried the "save session" and "restore session"
>>and I basically got NOTHING back. Apparently "save session" is a way
>>for those things which are GNOME aware and which use some special
>>hooks to save some state. No? Anyway, I run Mozilla, Thunderbird,
>>Acrobat Reader, and terminal sessions. I run next to nothing else.
>>Not any of this saves anything, AFAICS.
> Not all apps will work, but most do.  Firefox can be saved - I don't
> know about Adobe Acrobat.

Hmm. "Most" do. I rarely just run Acrobat. I pull it up, look at sth,
and put it away. What I keep up all the time are Mozilla, Thundebird,
and terminals.


> So, it's not meant to save the state of your desktop.  It's to help you
> get your desktop up and running without having to start up things
> manually.


In any case, it's a login thing, and I log in less than once a month.
To put it another way, I don't log out unless I have to shut down
due to a power failure. I treat this machine as a single user machine.
There are only three users who can log into my machine:

a friend of mine with no access (I did some consulting work
and never removed the user name)

Nobody logs in but me, and I do it every time I boot exactly

Thanks for the reply.

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