[CentOS] Re: 5.0: installing everything

Fri May 4 10:02:09 UTC 2007
Johnny Hughes <mailing-lists at hughesjr.com>

On Fri, 2007-05-04 at 11:02 +0200, Ralph Angenendt wrote:
> Johnny Hughes wrote:
> > You will see a 20x increase (from 3 to 60) of non-browser "Critical"
> > security issues if you move from a "Default Install" to full install.  
> Ermm, no. That is *with* browser bugs. There were only 5 non-browser
> critical bugs.
> See Tables 3 and 4.

Ralph .. I was specifically talking about table 2 ... where critical
bugs go from 3 to 60.

You are correct that the everything install (60 critical) also includes
the 44 from mozilla products.

The bottom line ... more stuff means more risk :P

Johnny Hughes
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