[CentOS] Getting CentOS Server CD w/kickstart config

Thu May 17 15:18:13 UTC 2007
Plant, Dean <dean.plant at roke.co.uk>

Devin Atencio wrote:
> I would like to how how I can take the CentOS 4.4 Server Cd for
> example and modify the
> ISO to put on my anaconda-ks.cfg file and then modify the kernel
> parameters to automatically
> load the anaconda-ks.cfg file so that I can create a CD that I just
> stick into my machine it will
> format the drive, install the basic configuration I like without
> asking any questions. I need to
> install like 20 machines and I wanted to basically just stick a CD in
> the drive and let it do it's thing.
> Any help on how to accomplish this would be appreciated.

Here's how I did it for RHEL CD's


Construct a single DVD from the four RHEL CDRom's 

Insert  & mount CD1

# mkdir /DVD
# mount /dev/cdrom /media/cdrecorder

Copy cd1 to /DVD

# cd /media/cdrecorder
# tar cf - . | (cd /DVD ; tar xvf - .)
# cd /
# eject cdrom

Carry out the above action for CD 2-4

After all CD's have been copied.

Correct the .discinfo file to reference all four disks.

# cd /DVD
# vi .discinfo

Ensure line 4 has 1,2,3,4
A working .discinfo should be as follows.

# cat .discinfo
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4

Create the bootable ISO file. (all on one line)

# mkisofs -A "RHEL/4.3 i386 3AS" -o DVD.iso -b isolinux/isolinux.bin -c
isolinux/boot.cat -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -R -J
-v -T /DVD

Burn the DVD.iso as an image not a file.



Modify the DVD to include custom kickstart scripts.

Create the /DVD tree as per the previous steps.

The default files read on boot up of an RH install CDRom are located in

To run custom kickstart scripts we need to modify the
/isolinux/isolinux.cfg and add the kickstart file to the boot process.
See here for kickstart script generation.

For each kickstart install we need to add 3 lines to the isolinux.cfg

A label line	-	This is the identifier you type at the linux
boot prompt
A kernel line	-	This does not change
A append line	-	This is where we tell the boot process to use a
kickstart file.

Firstly backup the original file.

# cp /DVD/isolinux/isolinux.cfg /DVD/isolinux/isolinux.cfg.orig

Now edit and add our custom kickstart file.

# vi /DVD/isolinux/isolinux.cfg


label myboot1
  kernel vmlinuz
  append initrd=initrd.img ramdisk_size=8192 ks=cdrom:/ks.cfg

This will enable you to type myboot1 at the boot prompt which will call
the ks.cfg located in the / of the DVD disk.

Multiple kickstart files can be added by using different label and
append lines.

For Example:

label myboot1
  kernel vmlinuz
  append initrd=initrd.img ramdisk_size=8192 ks=cdrom:/ks1.cfg
label myboot2
  kernel vmlinuz
  append initrd=initrd.img ramdisk_size=8192 ks=cdrom:/ks2.cfg


Have fun.
