[CentOS] Inconpatibility CentOS 5 64 Bit + VMware Server

Fri May 18 12:36:07 UTC 2007
Les Mikesell <lesmikesell at gmail.com>

Ralph Angenendt wrote:
> Jim Perrin wrote:
>> On 5/18/07, Giovanni <g.trovato at kelinformatica.it> wrote:
>>> Inconpatibility CentOS 5 64 Bit + VMware Server ?
>> I don't believe so, no. But then, vmware server isn't a true 64bit
>> application. You have to install a number of the x86 compatibility
>> packages in the 64bit tree.
> That could be half-automatic if they actually learned to package
> correctly:
> [angenenr at shutdown ~]$rpm -qR VMware-server
> /bin/sh  
> [angenenr at shutdown ~]$

Is it possible to package "correctly" for more than one flavor/version 
of a linux distribution (or even just across all the fedora/RHEL/Centos 

   Les Mikesell
    lesmikesell at gmail.com