[CentOS] Inconpatibility CentOS 5 64 Bit + VMware Server

Fri May 18 13:43:31 UTC 2007
Les Mikesell <lesmikesell at gmail.com>

Ralph Angenendt wrote:

>>> That could be half-automatic if they actually learned to package
>>> correctly:
>>> [angenenr at shutdown ~]$rpm -qR VMware-server
>>> /bin/sh  
>>> [angenenr at shutdown ~]$
>> Is it possible to package "correctly" for more than one flavor/version 
>> of a linux distribution (or even just across all the fedora/RHEL/Centos 
>> variations)?
> Package for the Enterprise Distributions? There aren't that many of
> them.
> =:)

Maybe, but 3.x is wildly different from 5.x, and it needs to run across 
  all the fast-changing fedora versions too.  My question is whether 
it's possible to package something like this such that yum would do the 
right thing regardless of the platform.

   Les Mikesell
    lesmikesell at gmail.com