[CentOS] Folding at Home in CentOS/Solaris Zone

Sat May 19 17:01:55 UTC 2007
Alain M. Lafon <preek_ml at gefechtsdienst.de>

Hi there,

I tried the Folding at Home client under CentOS(2.4.21) which is run in a
Solaris Container/Zone on a x86 machine. Apparently this won't work ad
hoc, since the downloaded Core file won't start:

	[16:44:49] Project: 3041 (Run 1, Clone 669, Gen 22)
	[16:44:49] FATAL: Couldn't start core work threadFATAL:
	Couldn't start
	core checkpoint timer thread
	[16:44:49] Folding at home Core Shutdown: UNKNOWN_ERROR
	[16:44:49] CoreStatus =3D 0 (0)
	[16:44:49] Client-core communications error: ERROR 0x0
	[16:44:49] Deleting current work unit & continuing...
	[16:44:49] - Preparing to get new work unit...

If somebody has a similar setup, I'd be
glad to be given a hint.

Alain M. Lafon
Pfaffenwaldring 48C, 70569 Stuttgart                                   ''_.._''
Tel.: +49711/9734074                                                   ·|=  =|·
http://www.gefechtsdienst.de/preek                                       \||/  
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