The Symptoms; ============= While watching a CentOS5 install hammer my webserver ( i used "askmethod' to point the machine to the webserver) i noticed a bunch of 404s; - - [22/May/2007:15:01:53 +1200] "GET /cd/1/CentOS/termcap-5.5-1.20060701.1.noarch.rpm HTTP/1.1" 404 319 "-" "urlgrabber/3.1.0" and the installation failed to get started (the same file re-requested over and over) The Cause: ========== I had set my webserver up to serve the iso for centos 5 on /cd/0 and the sme_server7 iso on /cd/1 and the centos 4 iso on /cd/2 (/cd/3 is there, but not mounted to anything) Even though i used server : path : cd/0 the centos 5 installation (anakonda?) seems to have gone up a folder, seen the 1,2,3 dirs and asked for .discinfo on the following paths; /cd/0 /cd/1 /cd/2 /cd/3 Upon finding .discinfo in folders /2 and /3 it has then got all confused (not enough to crash as both sme server and centos 4 are familiar file structures i guess?) and then asked the server for wrong versions of files (again and again in an endless loop) Removing the confusion ( umount /var/www/html/cd/1 ;umount /var/www/html/cd/2 ) solved the problem and everything went smooth after that Just thought i would let people know :) Out of curiousity, does anyone know the cause of this? I imagine it is some kind of fuzzy logic to do its best to recover from paths that are one folder too short/long, or maybe to make sure it is installing the highest version numbered folder? MrKiwi