[CentOS] New freenx-0.6.0 and NX-2.1.0

Mon May 28 15:33:00 UTC 2007
Johnny Hughes <johnny at centos.org>


I have put in the testing repository a new version of freenx-0.6.0 and
nx-2.1.0 for both CentOS-4 and CentOS-5.

This is using one set of SRPMS to build on either CentOS-4 or CentOS-5

To get files from the testing repository, see:

Make sure you have the .el4 packages if testing on CentOS-4 or the .el5
packages if testing in CentOS-5.

Please submit comments to this tracker:


Please test and report on these RPMS so we can move them into extras.

Johnny Hughes
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