[CentOS] java

Thu May 3 09:46:40 UTC 2007
javajunkie <javajunkie at koyuru.com>


> > >Someone on the opennms mail list just mentioned that RHEL up2date now 
> > >provides sun java.  Is that a possibility for the Centos repositories?
> > 
> > I think CentOS repo is providing Sun Java 1.4.2. 
> I know it doesn't. You get the gcj implementation which works with the
> bundled eclipse and other assorted apps (tomcat for example), but that
> is not the SDK from Sun.

I hate gcj with eclipse. one example is it locked up my cpu at 100%
everytime I edited a .js or .html file.

launched it with a real vm using

 eclipse -vm /path-to/jre/bin/java

now have no problems
