[CentOS] megasr Sata Raid driver and the lastest kernel

Fri May 11 22:22:15 UTC 2007
robb <robb at boardman.me.uk>

Fabian Arrotin wrote:
> On Fri, 2007-05-11 at 12:56 +0100, robb at boardman.me.uk wrote:
>> Hi List
>> I'm trying to update to the lastest kernel but I have a dirver that is not
>> inculded in the distrubution, and I had to use the driver disk when installing
>> centos 4.4 in the first place, The driver megasr .ko works fine with the
>> installed kernel but I cannot find on for the updated kernel, any adive would
>> be appreciated.
>> without the updated driver there is a kernel panic on boot due to not finding
>> the correct hard drive controller driver
> Normally the megasr.ko should reside in /lib/modules/`uname -r`/updates
> You can copy it to the newer location (replace with your kernel number
> of course), issue depmod -a, recreate an initrd image that will contain
> the module , modify grub.conf and reboot.
> I've tested this for a low level entry IBM server that uses a fakeraid
> adapter
> See for example this post on the forum :
> http://www.centos.org/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=3615&forum=29&post_id=11852#forumpost11852
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thnaks for the advice, its working now, but didn't need to change the 
version number within the megasr.ko file  as per forum link

