[CentOS] FUSE and/or NTFS on CentOS 5

Sat May 12 19:32:37 UTC 2007
Dag Wieers <dag at wieers.com>

On Sat, 12 May 2007, Bart Schaefer wrote:

> On 5/12/07, Daniel de Kok <danieldk at pobox.com> wrote:
> >
> > RPMForge has fuse 2.6.3 and ntfs-3g. Dag has just baked them fresh.
> Rah!  Thanks (and thanks, Dag, if you're reading).

I wanted to announce it when all the interesting fuse filesystems were 
uploaded as well, but you beat me to it. Some of the FUSE stuff is being 
pushed as we speak.

How to use FUSE ?

First of all, add your user to the group 'fuse' and relogin.
(or su - user)

Either use the dkms-fuse with the stock CentOS kernel or use the 
CentOS-plus kernel that contains the fuse kernel module.

	yum install dkms-fuse && modprobe fuse

Also install the fuse libraries.

	yum install fuse

Then install one of the many fuse filesystems:

	yum install fuse-clamfs fuse-cryptofs fuse-davfs2 fuse-encfs \
		fuse-ntfs-3g fuse-obexfs fuse-smb fuse-sshfs fuse-svnfs \

Each of these filesystems has its own usage and cli syntax, so look at the 
documentation in the package. For fuse-sshfs, something like this works:

	[user at system ~]# sudo yum install dkms-fuse fuse fuse-sshfs
	[user at system ~]# sudo modprobe fuse
	[user at system ~]# mkdir test/
	[user at system ~]# sshfs user2 at othersys: test/
	user2 at othersys's password:
	[user at system ~]# ls -l test/

The sshfs command allows you to mount a remote directory (on a remote 
sytem) via SSH on your local system. This work transparantly for all 
applications ! So you could compare a local and remote directory with mc.

Let me know if you find something that can be improved in one of the 

Kind regards,
--   dag wieers,  dag at wieers.com,  http://dag.wieers.com/   --
[all I want is a warm bed and a kind word and unlimited power]